Friday, January 16, 2009


According to my mom I haven't blogged in a while... it's been just over a week, give me a break!
Life has been good as ever. Saturday Justin and I went over to Ashley and Zachs and watched the cardinals game. Yes, I watched a football game. It was actually really fun! Granted, most of the time I ignored the game to either play with Madie or to make chocolate covered strawberries (the one thing we've found that I eat faster than Justin).
My dad's birthday was on Sunday, my sisters and I went in together and got him a miniature verion of the leg lamp from A Christmas Story. We wrote FRAGILE on the box, and as I predicted, my dad said the line from the movie before opening it. My dad placed it prominently on the sewing table right by the front room window :)
Monday night Kristi and Cliff and Ashley and Zach came over with their kids, and we had another dinner and played Guitar Hero World Tour, another gift my father got for his birthday. We got booed off a lot, but it was still fun :) Justin had his first experience playing, and by the end made vast improvements. He's up to playing on medium. And I found out I can play on expert on the bass part :)
Then on Tuesday we (Justin and I) went to the Suns game, which was my gift to him for Christmas. Not the best seats ever, and there was a very obnoxious (and very drunk) lady behind us yelling through most of the game, but it was still a good game. It was really close at the end, but the Suns ended up winning! Hooray!
School starts up again next tuesday, I have my first classes on Wednesday, I'm looking forward to starting up again. I like being in school, because it means I don't have to work every day, just tuesday and thursday, and every other saturday. Plus I'm really looking forward to my french class. And my English 213, intro to the study of language. Yep, still a nerd :)
Life is going great, just thought I'd give some updates.
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Haha, we know you're a busy girl, thanks for the updates!